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Many of you who have been reading my blogs knows what mediumship is and have had readings with a Medium. For those who have never had a reading, please continue reading on. There are Mediums and Psychic Mediums. The only difference is a Psychic Medium also has a sense of knowing things that does not come from Spirit.

There are many questions people have before getting a reading but are afraid of asking them. Here are some questions I have been asked? Can you connect with a certain soul who has passed? Will you receive anything bad? I am not sure what to ask? Will I receive advice on where to go with my life? These are all good questions and no question is silly.

You need to feel comfortable with whoever you choose to have a reading with. Yours and the Medium's energy need to blend so the connection to the Spirit realm strengthens.

When I do a reading, I connect with the Spirit realm before my clients come. Throughout the reading, it is still amazing to me when family come through or their Spirit Guides and all the advice they give. It is so rewarding to me to help Spirit and their love one connect. At the end of the reading, my clients always laugh as they read over their list of questions, I have already answered them!!

If you are seeking a new direction in life, or need to connect with a loved one who has crossed or just seeking guidance, I am here to help. I have been a Psychic/Medium doing readings for 20 years. I have done readings in person, through zoom and doing mediumship at churches. I would love to do a reading for you!


MASTER class - I am holding a Master Reiki class on Saturday, October 19th. I only have one spot left as I limit the class to four. You can attend this class If you have completed your Reiki I and II, and have treated clients. This class attunes you to the last sacred symbol of the reiki energy. After this class, you can begin teaching others and truly expand your reiki practice.

Cost: $400.00

REIKI I Class - Saturday, October 5th. This class is the introduction to the reiki energy. You will learn the hand movements, the chakra energy centers, benefits of reiki energy and receiving and giving a treatment.

Cost: $200.00

Classes will be from 10am - 4:30pm.


There are numerous benefits to this lovely energy of Reiki. Not only does it heal the physical but also the emotional body. Some of the physical issues I have helped my clients with are: headaches; ear ache; fibromyalgia; knee, neck, and back pain; an autoimmune disease called Myasthenia Gravis; relieving arthritis pain and stress to list a few. I have clients heal trauma and old emotional wounds that they did not recognize that their emotional bodies were holding onto. Releasing that kind of pain took courage as you have to face what you possibly have hidden to others and to yourself. For myself, I had a reiki treatment to release the emotional pain that I had buried 55 years ago and that was about being raped as a child.

Stress - huge issue in our lives. We all carry stress in our bodies and it triggers different parts of the body. I have numerous clients who come see me, once they lay on the table they are sound asleep!! So many have said, they wished they could sleep this well at home!!!

Reiki also helps us with our spiritual journey. Through a session we clear any blockages that are rooted in any of our 7 chakras. A client of mine so desperately wanted to make a connection to his higher self and it was possible once we cleared and balanced his chakras.

I also offer Reiki with messages. In a reiki session, my guides and yours come through and share information, guidance or advice to help you along your journey.

Many blessings


Harmony in Healing

Nancy MacCallum

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